10th August 2021

This day marks 50 years of the legalization of abortion in India.
Five long decades of baby slaughter, dismemberment, and burning.
Just like the killings, we too remained silent ⬛

The Medical Termination of Pregnancy
(MTP) Act passed on August 10, 1971
in our parliament marks 50 years of
barbaric violence against innocent
infants and women. The legal access
the law of the land has been given to people
to exercise the

right’ to annihilate the
offspring ever since has made five
generations of baby slaughter a multimillion industry today.

We have been silent for way too long now, and with each passing minute of silence, one life falls prey to this cultural predator.

Join us, in being a part of the Black Day when we express our utter disappointment in the decision to make baby murder legal.

The file below consists of everything you can be a part of. Share this with everyone and let them know about the horror of Abortion.
Together, let’s speak for the unborn.


“Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me.”🌿

According to the first national study of the
incidence of abortion and unintended pregnancy
in India, an estimated 15.6 million (15600000)
abortions were performed in 2015. The study
published recently in The Lancet Global Health
was conducted jointly by researchers at the
International Institute for Population Sciences
(IIPS), Mumbai; the Population Council, New
Delhi; and the New York-based Guttmacher

“Fasting will loose the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke.” – Isaiah 58:6 ⬜

The Word reminds us, time and again, that prayer accompanied by fasting is one of the most powerful and effective weapon and more importantly, the need of the hour, when sin has plagued every corner 📛

In light of the 50th anniversary of the legalization of the heinous and unjust MTP Act, we invite you to join us in participating in ’21 days of Daniel fasting’ to put an end to the merciless slaughter of the unborn.🤝

What is it?
The Daniel Fast is based on the prophet Daniel’s spiritual and dietary experiences in the biblical book of his namesake. Through his fast and faith, he experienced a renewed sense of vigor and strength and also achieved greater Spiritual health.✨

Here are the instructions you will need to follow:

  1. Avoid distractions :This is a sacred time between you and God, so avoid secular television and radio programs.
  2. Pray Your days should be filled with unselfish prayer. During the fast, increase the frequency of your daily prayer time by a factor of three or more.
  3. Reserve time with God during the day by studying the Bible
  4. Make your meals somewhat lighter for a few days leading up to your fast.
  5. Ask for God’s guidance in your life.
  6. In the Book of Daniel, the Prophet ate only vegetables and fruit, and drank only water for 10 days.

Foods to avoid:
All meats and animal products
All dairy products
All deep-fried foods
All solid fats.

  1. Prophet Daniel ‘ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine’.
    Three things to avoid:
    All sweeteners
    All leavened bread

Just as Daniel stayed away from the food provided by the King in order to be faithful to Him and bring his glory down on earth, so shall we fast and pray to put an end to abortion, by receiving Christ who is Life Himself!🎺🎺🎺

Viva Cristo Rey!

മനുഷ്യജീവനെ സ്നേഹിക്കുക | സംരക്ഷിക്കുക |ആദരിക്കുക |പ്രൊ -ലൈഫ് പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങളിൽ പങ്കാളികളാവുക .

നിങ്ങൾ വിട്ടുപോയത്