On the day of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God Mary on December 8., 2020, which was also the 150. the anniversary of the appointment of St. Joseph as the patron saint of the Universal Church, Pope Francis wrote Patriscorde (meaning: with the heart of the Father), a ′′ year of St. Joseph ′′ declared in the Catholic Church. In this writing, the Pope says that Christians in St. Josef ′′ being able to find an advocate, support and a leader in times of need “.He writes again: ′′ Each of us can discover an advocate, support, and leader in difficult times in Josef. Josef reminds us that those who appear hidden or in the shadows can play an incomparable role in the history of salvation.”

In the Christian theology of the church, the awe and reverence of St. Joseph is known as protodulia or first worship. It means Joseph is one of the saints to be worshipped first among all the saints. In its liturgy, the church commemorates Saint Joseph twice a year, on March 19. and May 1. The feast of St. Joseph the husband of Mary is celebrated in March and the feast of St. Joseph the patron of labor is celebrated in May. In this article, I will try to see Saint Joseph as an example for families and as a father.

We are living in a time when family and fatherhood are very challenging. This is why we must pray for our families and follow Joseph’s unique example to become good fathers. The Pope reaffirms in his writing: You are not born a father, you become a father. And you become a father not simply by putting a child into the world, but by taking care of him responsibly. Every time someone takes responsibility for someone else’s life, they practice fatherhood to them in a sense.

In the litany of St. Joseph we pray: You ornament of home life, please for us. When we give Saint Joseph an outstanding place in the family, the family becomes more beautiful, noble, loving, pure and honorable. There’s no doubt about that.

Let’s make Saint Joseph a member of our family with Jesus and Saint Mary. There are two practical suggestions for this: firstly, there should be a statue or a picture of St. Joseph in every family, give him a special place in your apartment or house. Secondly, cultivate the habit of praying daily to Saint Joseph, the guardian of the families.

Saint Teresa of Avila, a special admirer of St Joseph, said: sometimes there is a delay when we seek the intercession of other saints. But a call for help to Saint Joseph often brings salvation quickly. Saint Joseph is a saint to whom you can confide in every situation and in all distresses.

Saint Joseph is a good father.

It was one of heavenly father’s greatest duties to find a foster father for his son in this world. In Joseph of Nazareth, he found the right father and gave him the greatest responsibility. That was God’s intended plan for Joseph. And of course the adoptive father of Jesus is the greatest of fathers. We can understand this based on five characteristic characteristics of the fatherhood of St. Joseph.

1) Joseph was the faithful son of the eternal father.To be a good father, one must first be an obedient, noble, loving son of heavenly Father. All fathers should pray daily for the fulfillment of the will of God father. To be a true father, one must accept the relationship with God as a guide, source, life and inspiration. Like Joseph, every father must cultivate a personal relationship with his heavenly father.

2) Joseph was a loyal and loving life partner joseph lived a life entirely with the inspiration and control of the Holy Spirit. This has helped him overcome human feelings and thoughts with divine gifts and lead an exemplary family life. If someone wants to be a real father or husband, they must love God first. The love of one’s life partner must be born of God’s love and will last forever. This experience of God’s love should be passed on to children and generations.

3) Joseph was a good teacher.Joseph taught Jesus many important things in his human life. He taught Jesus to speak and walk. He was the foster father who taught Jesus carpentry and taught him the value of work. No one can replace the role Joseph played with the Holy Virgin Mary to accompany Jesus in his life. Joseph, like every father, had a heavy responsibility to raise his son in the life of faith. As the Second Vatican Council says, parents are the primary teachers for children on faith issues. A good father should be a good teacher in all areas of life to his children

.4. Joseph was always available for his wife and son. Joseph was a father who was always available for all the family needs. Joseph prayed with the family, worked for the family, ate with the family, went to the synagogue and temple in Jerusalem with her, and shared the pain and joy of the family. The father traveling with his family is the happiest husband in the history of mankind

.5. Joseph is a sacrificial manJoseph was a sacrificial man. He sacrificed himself for Jesus and Mary. That wasn’t just once. Many times he has totally sacrificed his life even in the most intense moments of suffering. Joseph was the first to carry the cross in the mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. He protects the people who suffer, are sick and struggling. Joseph had a clear conscience listening to the voices of God. When a father agrees in the present time how Josef in the family of Nazareth to sacrifice his life for the family, heaven looks upon the earth and shines with joy. As long as there is a good father in the family, God will not be disappointed.

There’s a short easy way to make modern families a paradise: every family needs a father as good as Joseph. In ′′ Patriscorde, the Pope introduces a prayer to Saint Joseph,, which he has been praying for more than forty years. I want to close my thoughts with this prayer. ′′ Saint Joseph, glorious patriarch, to whom you can make the impossible possible, come to my aid in my distress and distress. In the serious and difficult concerns I entrust to you, grant your protection so that everything will end happily. My beloved father, I put all my trust in you. No one should be able to say that they have called you in vain, and since you can achieve all things with Jesus and Mary, let me know that your kindness is as great as your power. Amen.”

P. Jison Kunnel MCBS