I would like to submit following suggestions to the synod fathers meeting to elect new Major Arch Bishop for our church

1. Before electing the person kindly fix a term for him. Ten years is maximum for any leader. Let new face come after 10 years. At least 80 years as cut of date to retire
Deny voting rights to prelates above 80. Let them sit back and pray
2. Elect a bishop who is above sixty five to the post of Major arch bishop

3. Decide to have a term fixed for all bishops. Maximum 15 years. Retired bishop should vacate the bishops house
4. Transfer bishops. Make missonary experience a condition for election to the post of bishop. Recently photo of a bishop praying before the blessed sacrament was posted by a religious priest as news in social media. ! How sad is our concepts on bishops
5. Every new priest ordained must have at least 10 years missonary experience.
6.Bishops should be simple. bishop shall not use a car above 10 lakh rupees. Make it mandatory.Make a uniform dress for bishops.

7. Make bishop accountable for his deeds and words. The conditions on punishment be equally applicable to them. If their negligence has incurred heavy loss to public money they should be made accountable.Not mere responsible. Compassion cannot be shown on public money.
8. Make necessary facilities for the retired life of the prelates. If they want to go private like bishop Murikkan permit them. But on their own
9. Ban all new constructions and re constructions.Use all money for human resource development. Help not only poor. But rich who are really poor. Thre are suffering rich chidren.
10. Put a control on all religious congregations in the church that their five star schools hospitals have church control and community orientation. Let every one end up this five star services

I have no bishop in mind. But unless the synod takes such a decision before the election afterwards nothing is going to happen. Had Pope Benedict 16 made a law for popes to retire at 80 as pope Paul 6 th made for bishops should do it at 75 things would have been different. Holy Spirit will find fit persons to lead his church always.
Bishop above 80 may vote this time. But not in future elections

T. Devaprasad
A senior journalist
Thomas Devaprasad
{Executive Editor deepika,Course director Dijam,Senior editor Sunday Shalom.,Editor Divine voice}Executive member ICPA,