Baptism, the Eucharist, and Confirmation together
constitute the Sacraments of Christian initiation. The
reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is necessary
for the completion of Baptismal Grace (CCC 1285).
In the West, the desire to reserve the completion of
Baptism to the bishop caused the temporal separation of
the two Sacraments. The East has kept them united, so that
Confirmation is conferred by the priest who baptizes. But he
can do so only with the “Myron” consecrated by a bishop. So, the
dual traditions present in the East and West. The practice of the Eastern
Churches give greater emphasis to the unity of Christian initiation. The Western
Church celebrating confirmation with the laying on of hands, and the Eastern
Church with the anointing with Chrism. So it was that two different ways of
Christian initiation developed. It enables a baptized person to confirm the
promises made on their behalf at Baptism. It is also a sign of full membership in
the Christian community. Eastern Catholic Churches believes that Confirmation
is needed immediately after the Baptism because Confirmation completes the
Baptismal Grace. By the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized are more
perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the
Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is now glorified, but only because He had been crucified. Our own
glorious Eternity depends on the courageous witness of our faith, made possible
by our Confirmation by the Holy Spirit.
Prepared by: Fr. George Panamthottam CMI (9123824741)