Rev. Dr. Vincent Cheruvatur
Ever committed to Church

The steadfast and committed Priest of Syro Malabar Church Major Arch Episcopal Curia Chancellor Rev. Dr. Vincent Cheruvathur is stepping down after completing his five-year tenure. The saintly presence and gentle demeanor of this noble priest was very inspiring to those who came to Mount St. Thomas, Kakanad, the church headquarters.
Rev.Fr.Vincent who served as the chancellor of the church is a member of Machad parish in Thrissur Archdiocese. He has ordained a priest in 1991. He holds a Licentiate in Canon Law from St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute, Bengaluru, a Doctorate in Canon Law, and a Licentiate in Pastoral Theology from the Urbaniana Pontifical Institute in Rome. He has also served various parishes as associate vicar, vicar, vice chancellor of the archdiocese, notary, adjutant judicial vicar of the marriage court, judge, and bulletin editor.
Who is a Chancellor?

Major Archiepiscopal Chancery is the office where Major Archbishop, Curia Bishop, Chancellor and other collaborators function. According to CCEO c. 123, the Major Archbishop is to appoint a chancellor for the Major ArchiepiscopalCuria, which is distinct from the curia of the Eparchy of the Major Archbishop. He must be a priest or a deacon. In consideration of the responsibilities attached to the office and since the chancellor is also ex officio a notary of the Major Archiepiscopal Curia, he must also possess the moral qualification that he is known to be of good character and above reproach. As Chancellor, he presides over the Chancery and the Archives of the Curia. The principal tasks of the Major Archiepiscopal Chancellor are to authenticate, gather, arrange, and preserve the acts of the Major Archiepiscopal Curia in the Major Archiepiscopal Archives with a possible enlargement of responsibilities through particular law. The Chancery works in close collaboration with the Major Archbishop in his coordinating mission of the various eparchies and the efforts to provide pastoral care to the migrants as well as in coordinating the activities of the various Major Archiepiscopal Commissions and departments and offices. An important responsibility of the Chancery is the conducting of the Synod of the Bishops of the Syro-Malabar Bishops and the Permanent Synod.
A life devoted entirely to the Church

Through his own life, Fr. Vincent conveyed to the believers that the priesthood and pastoral ministry of Jesus should be more active in dedicated life and works. In times of crisis of the Church, he showed that the priesthood should see its meaning in service and ministry reaching to the point of self-sacrifice. He completed his Chancery in a self-forgetful and self-sacrifice manner through related works.
Fr. Chruvathoor was able to complete the most confidential documents, reports, and correspondence of the Syro-Malabar Church with self-dedication. When the Syro-Malabar Church went through its most critical moments, many people remained silent. When the circulars released by the Curia were misinterpreted by some, Fr. Vincent is the chancellor who made history by boldly and clearly releasing the positions of the church in his own name with the permission of the church.
A life respected even by Church rebels

Fr. Vincent is a priest who realized that self-sacrifice for the church and its brothers is the best sacrifice and prayer, and believed that a self-giving spirit is the strength of the priesthood. As chancellor of the church, he was able to shine and radiate God in the church headquarters with every fiber of his God-infused being in today’s age when the priesthood is so dead that it cannot pose a challenge in the world of ideals. This holy priest strived throughout his five years of service to extend maximum support, love, and loyalty to the Major Archbishop.
Hardworking and humble

Silently on the hill of Kakkanad, Fr. Vincent was always engaged in his God-given work and was a comfort and a refuge for the visitors who came to Kakkanad. The visitors who met him called him a saint. This priest has been transformed at the deepest levels of his personality. whom God has sealed for himself.
In Isaiah chapter 53, the prophet says in emotional language about the Lord’s servant who suffered, was wounded and persecuted for his brothers: that the priesthood should see its meaning in service and ministry that reaches to the point of self-sacrifice. Isaiah’s patient servant has greatly influenced Fr. Vincent’s concept of priesthood. Following in the path of his illustrious predecessors like Bishop Mar Porunnedam, Mar Vaniyapurakal, and Fr. Anthony Kollannur, Fr. Cheruvathoor is the proud son of the Church. He has been praised many times by the Catholic leaders of the Vatican and various countries.
The pride of Syro-Malabar believers

He is a brave man who saw his responsibility as the chancellor to be the protector of the church order that respects truth and justice and followed the shadow of the major archbishop and stood steadfastly in the divine power. He faithfully stood with the church in the crisis of the church, kept secret the Vatican documents and other related correspondence that came to the headquarters, and stood up for the church. Believers love him because of his firm conviction about the dignity of life.Fr.Vincent is the pride of Syro-Malabar church believers.

Fr. Vincent, who won the hearts of all with his humble demeanor and simple actions as Chancellor, has been assigned by the Thrissur Archbishop to his mother Archdiocese for great pastoral missions in the future.

Tony chittilappilly
Laity forum Secretary
Syro-Malabar church