With all due respect dear Dr… The European Commission has this to say: ” the EU has very limited competence in this area. Definition of health policies, organization and delivery of health services and medical care, as well as the legality of abortion remains a Member State competence. ‘

Now for the sake of MY RIGHT to MY UNIVERSAL VALUES, I will go on a step further and ask you, whether you share my values or not, can you kindly tell me who gave authority to MEPs to decide that abortion is a right? and the authority to decide what is to live and what is to die? Thank God there is a large number of MEP’s who does not agree with you and believe in the RIGHT TO LIVE!

Whether one believes in God or not, does not change the TRUTH, as TRUTH can never change; so much as if one does not believe there is a Sun, therefore, the sun does not exist!
Having said so, whether you agree or not in my values, I would like to ask you:
Who created LIFE GOD or MEP’S?
Who decides how long one is going to live – GOD or MEP’S?
Who formed you in your mother’s womb – GOD or MEP’S?
Who gave you brains to seek the truth – GOD or MEP’S?
and I can go on at nausea…
Whether one believes it or not: GOD IS
Not to believe so does not alter the fact that GOD IS as GOD does not depend on our opinion of whether we believe in Him or not. So much so that HE Knew from a very long time ago that man, one day, was going to neglect and abandon their children and forsake what LOVE IS

“Can a woman forget her nursing child or lack compassion for the son of her womb? Even if she could forget, I will not forget you! Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands;
Isaiah [49: 15-16] [8 Century BC]
Anthony De Giovanni