This guy opened a store and all his friends, family and neighbors bought there and asked for credit.

A few years later, this is all that’s left. Sometimes we say yes when we should have said no.

You say yes thinking you’re helping people but actually you’re losing and giving your hard work and sacrifice, then everyone turns their back on you. Don’t Always Say Yes..

Virtue of Prudence


The story of the man who opened a store and gave credit to friends, family, and neighbors serves as a powerful lesson in the virtue of prudence. Prudence is the ability to discern the appropriate course of action to be taken in a given situation at the appropriate time. The man’s generous heart led him to say “yes” when he should have exercised prudence and said “no.” As a result, he found himself in financial ruin, with his hard work and sacrifices taken for granted by those around him.

Prudence teaches us to weigh our decisions carefully, to consider the consequences, and to ensure that our actions align with long-term goals and the greater good. Saying “no” is not a sign of selfishness, but rather a necessary act of wisdom to protect oneself and one’s resources. As the saying goes, “A word is enough for the wise.” By setting boundaries and making prudent choices, we can better serve and sustain ourselves and others.


Generosity, another noble virtue, calls us to give freely and selflessly to those in need. However, true generosity should be guided by prudence and discernment. It is essential to ensure that our giving genuinely benefits those who are grateful to God and who will use our gifts wisely. We must not give indiscriminately to everyone, as this can lead to the depletion of our resources and support those who may not appreciate or utilize our help in meaningful ways.

**Incorporating Prayer and Discernment**

To embody both prudence and generosity, we must turn to prayer and discernment. Seek God’s guidance in your decisions, asking for the wisdom to know when to give and when to withhold. Pray for the insight to recognize those who genuinely serve and love God, and who will benefit from your generosity.

“Lord, grant me the wisdom to discern Your will in my acts of giving. Help me to be generous, yet prudent, ensuring that my sacrifices serve Your purpose and bring glory to Your name. Guide me to support those who truly need and appreciate my help, and to say ‘no’ when it is necessary to protect my resources and future. Amen.”

Generosity, when coupled with prudence, ensures that our acts of giving are sustainable and impactful. Give until it hurts, but ensure that your gifts are directed towards those who will use them to serve God and others. By doing so, you honor God with your resources and live out His call to be both wise and generous stewards of His blessings.

Invest in your business and save, be smart, don’t let everything be lost. A word is enough for the wise and above to offer it to our Lord God’s divine will

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