“By the Grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain “.. 1 Corinthians 15: 10
Dear friends….

1996 February 7th, Cardinal Antony Padiyara, ordained me to share the priesthood of Jesus in the Catholic church and by Grace of God completing ️
years..Congratulations to my priest friends celebrating silver jubilee…
Thank God for His precious gift of priesthood and 25 years of priestly life.. Remember and thank each one of you (Superiors, Family members, friends, relatives, parishioners, and colleagues) who prayed and supported me to continue the pastoral care in the vineyard of our Lord.

Remembering and praying for Cardinal Antony Padiyara who is celebrating the birthday (10th Feb) up in heaven…
Dear brothers, sisters, and friends, please continue to pray for the church and the dedicated persons in the church..I assure my prayers to bless all your intentions during The Holy Eucharist..
May God Almighty bless all of us

Frjose Bharanikulangara