The feast day of St. John Paul II is on October 22.
On this day, we remember St. John Paul II’s liturgical inauguration as Pope in 1978. In 2005, he passed away at the age of 84 after serving the Church as pope for 27 years. Pope St. John Paul II was the first non-Italian pope in 455 years. In history, it was the third-longest pontificate. During this time, he traveled to every corner of the globe. During 104 overseas trips, he visited 129 countries.

St. John Paul II was known as “the Pope of the Family. His teachings on marriage, family life, and sexuality make up two-thirds of all the official teachings of the Church. His writings include 14 Encyclicals, 15 Apostolic Exhortations, 11 Apostolic Constitutions, and 45 Apostolic Letters. He also authored five books. His 129 Wednesday audiences on Theology of the Body reveal that the human body is theological as well as revealing God. Among other things, he discussed the nature of marriage, celibacy, and virginity, as well as the teachings in Humanae vitae. He provided the definitive interpretation of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
He celebrated 147 beatifications, during which he proclaimed 1,338 Blessed and 51 Canonized, totaling 482 saints. During his years as Pope, he canonized more saints than all the popes of the previous 1,000 years combined.

His papacy was centered around the Holy Eucharist. Even in the face of humanity’s trials, he believed that the Eucharist would rejuvenate and strengthen the Church. “The gaze of the Church is always turned toward Jesus, present in the Sacrament of the Altar where the fullness of his love is revealed,” according to St. John Paul II in Ecclesia de Eucharistia (2003). The devotion he had for Mother Mary was unmatched. “Totus Tuus” (“totally yours”) was his papal motto

The TOB for Life (Theology of the Body for Life) ministry is devoted to St. John Paul II, the patron saint of the ministry. Thank you, Jesus, for all the blessings we received through his intercession. We will be transformed by the Holy Spirit as we learn, live, and share the Theology of the Body. Through him, we pray for the Church today as it faces numerous trials and challenges in our secular society. St. John Paul II, pray for us.


Babu John