►”Think of a single mother who goes to church or parish, and says to the secretary: ‘I WANT TO BAPTIZE MY SON,’ and the attendant says: ‘No, you can’t, because you’re not married…’
●Let’s keep in mind that… This mom had the courage to continue with pregnancy — and what is she finding? A locked door!
●And so, if we continue on this path and with this attitude, we are not doing the people, the People of God, right.
●Jesus created the seven sacraments and with this kind of attitude, we create an eighth: the sacrament of pastoral customs!
●”We need saints without veil. We need saints in jeans and sneakers.
●We need saints to go to the movies, listen to music and hang out with friends.
●We need saints who will put God first and stand out in University.
●We need saints who find time to pray every day and who know how to fall in love with purity and chastity, or who consecrate their chastity.
●We need modern saints, 21st century saints, with spirituality embedded in our time.
●We need saints who are committed to the poor and necessary social change.
●We need saints who live in the world, who are sanctified in the world and who are not afraid to live in the world.
●We need saints who drink coke and eat hot dogs, who are internet users, who listen to iPod.
●We need saints who love the Eucharist and are not ashamed to have a beer or eat pizza on the weekend with friends.
●We need saints who like cinema, theater, music, dance, sports
.●We need sociable, open, normal friends, cheerful companion-saints.
●We need saints who are in the world and who know how to savor the pure and good things of the world, but without being worldly.”
●That has to be us!!!