The Syro Malabar Youth Leaders here in Rome for “Arise 2022” were welcomed to the Basilica of Marth Anastasia, the Syro Malabar parish in Rome in Palatine Hill, a monumental site for the history of Christendom.

Here was echoed the ancient art form of ‘Margamkali’, which is a melodic rendering of the acts and martyrdom of Mar Thoma, the Sleeha to Hendo. This occasion was graced by Maran Mar Geevarghese Alencherry, the Metropolitan, Gate of All-India, and the Father and Head of the Syro-Malabar Church.

It was a beautiful tribute to our Holy Apostle, whose 1950th anniversary of Martyrdom is commemorated this year. The words of Margamkali, which take us back to the life and work of Mar Thoma Sleeha resonated in the land where Mar Kepa Sleeha and Mar Paulose Sleeha shed their blood. May the prayers of these holy apostles help us move forward with missionary zeal to proclaim Isho M’shiha, our Lord and our God, to the ends of the earth. “May the robe, the peacock-like form, the staff, the hands and body of St. Thomas shine forever. May our people live long on this earth.” – from The Margamkali