Pregnancy is just the beginning of a life-long love affair with your child. The early weeks can be tiring and stressful, and it’s easy to feel a bit disconnected from your growing baby. Most pregnant women start connecting with their babies right on. But some women take time to get used to the idea of being moms. Mother and baby bonding during pregnancy is important, and there are various ways to do so. Many experts believe that your baby’s awareness begins in the womb and that learning is possible even before birth. Psychologists have also found that your emotional state affects your baby the healthier and happier you are during pregnancy, the better it is for your baby’s well-being. So how do you do it?

Sing And Talk To Your Baby: By the time your baby is 25 weeks in gestation, he or she will be able to hear you and your partner, when you speak to yours. That fetus can remember and recognize their mother’s voice even before they’re born! They observed that the fetus’ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ-ʀᴀᴛᴇ accelerates upon hearing the mother’s voice, while a stranger’s voice makes the beating slow down. Talk to your child as you go about your day, read aloud to your little one, and sing your heart out! So, make time to talk to your baby every day.

Massage your baby bump: A soothing way to bond with your unborn baby is by gently massaging your belly. This is safe to do after the first three months of pregnancy, and it’s a perfect way to relax. Many women use oils and creams in an effort to prevent stretch marks. Nonetheless, smoothing on cream or oil can certainly be a relaxing ritual for you and your growing baby, and may help to keep your skin feeling soft and supple. Ask your partner if they would like to give you a massage. It may help them to share in your pregnancy more easily, and start to develop a strong bond with your unborn baby.
Practice Breathing Exercise: Yoga is something that everything that every mother-to-be should practice during pregnancy. The regulated inhaling and exhaling not just relaxes the mother but also draws in oxygen down to the baby. This oxygen gets the baby more active and she starts responding by kicking and moving.

Respond to your unborn baby’s kicks: You may start to feel your baby’s movements from about 18 weeks to 20 weeks if this is your first baby. Feeling your growing baby move can be wonderfully reassuring after weeks of having no idea what they are getting up to in there! Responding to your unborn baby’s kicks is about as close as you will get to two-way communication before they are born. And you can do it at any time, wherever you are. Rub your bump when your baby moves and you may find that your baby kicks back at you. There’s nothing quite as exciting as feeling your growing baby respond to your touch for the very first time.
Go for a walk: Try taking some time out to bond with your baby bump by going for a walk. It’s great exercise and easy to fit into your daily routine, even if you’re working. Going for a stroll gives you space to think about your growing baby without too many distractions or interruptions. You can even have a discreet chat with your baby bump as you go.
Teach Your Baby Your Language: During the late stages of pregnancy, studies have displayed that babies can appreciate language as well. They tend to have the ability to grasp the languages that they have heard before they were born much quicker than others that they are introduced to later. It is very important to note that not every baby is the same and you cannot expect a textbook response from them all the time. Every pregnancy is unique, and you will figure out your bonding methods through trial and error mostly.

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