A father is a son’s first hero and a daughter’s first love. A father’s role is undoubtedly very important in growth and development of children.
Father is always a protector. A responsible father will always ensure that his kids get a healthy environment to grow up physically and mentally. Children feel safe and secured when they have their father around.
Fatherhood is not the ability to impregnate a woman. As a matter of fact, that is fertility. Fatherhood is taking responsibility. It is not a child’s play.

Fatherhood involves sacrifice. It is one responsibility that goes beyond the biology of being a sperm donor.
Fatherhood and sperm donation isn’t the same because anyone can donate semen but it takes a lot to be a Father.
Sad to say, I know so many Fathers who were barely present when their Children were growing up.
Dear Fathers, do not deny your Children your presence. Fatherhood is service to your Family. It requires love, patience, and, above all else, time.

It is a call to responsibility of loving, caring, providing, protecting, guiding and encouraging in winning life’s battles and preparing a sound legacy for our Wives, Children and society. But there is no joy that compares to that of raising a Child. This is the greatest phase in life.
One of the major problems in the world today is as a result of irresponsible fatherhood. Many Children have gone wayward, addicted to drugs, some into prostitution, others into robbery and many too have become problems in society all because of irresponsible fatherhood and unavailable Fathers in the home. Dear Fathers, be involved in raising your Children, teaching them values and loving them unconditionally.

Conclusively, train your Children in the way of the Lord and it shall be well with them. As Fathers, we will not fail in Jesus Name, Amen.