The perfect rhythm of creation became upset and the earth became totally barren due to the sin of our first parents.
But Christ’s death the Tree of Life restored the lost balance of creation and thus the earth became again fruitful.
The consent of Mary is instrumental to this balance restoration. Mary is thus called to be the most fruitful field.
Thus Church has entrusted thier spiritual but also material and temporal life to the protection of Blessed Virgin Mary.
This became a custom to offer the first fruits to our Lady.
Thus we celebrate today the feast of “Marth Mariam, Protectress of New Growth” or “Mother of Corns or Seeds” or “Mother of Prosperity” or “Mary, multiplier of wheat.”

വിളവുകളുടെ സംരക്ഷകയായ
പരിശുദ്ധ കന്യകാമറിയത്തിന്റെ തിരുനാൾ ആശംസകൾ