This is how the mothers of the priests enter heaven.
When a priest is ordained, his hands are anointed with oil by the bishop.
Then his hands are cleaned with a white linen towel called a maniturgium. The oil used on the priest’s hands is sacred, previously blessed by the bishop, so that the maniturgium, or manutergio, cannot be thrown away in the trash.
Although it could end up in a laundry basket to be cleaned, the priests of history have made it a habit to keep these linen cloths to present to their mothers during their first Mass.
According to an ancient tradition, the mother keeps the towel in a safe place until the day of her death.
Then, when her body is ready for the funeral, the manger is deposited in the mother’s hands.
Then, the pious tradition tells what happens when the priest’s mother arrives at the pearly gates of Heaven.
When she arrives at the gates of Heaven, she is accompanied directly to our Lord. Our Lord will say to you, “I have given you life.
What have you given me? ” She will hand over the manger and then answer, “I gave you to my son as a priest.” And with that Jesus grants him entry into paradise.
It is a beautiful and comforting tradition that always moves those who are present.
Tears also run down when a young priest presents the canvas to his mother, tears of joy instead of sorrow.
The Lord bless you and keep you.